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OverviewOur suite of courtroom support services include, but are not limited to: Exhibit and Deposition Management: Comprehensive inventory and organization of exhibits and depositions. Tailored Courtroom Tech Setup: Customized technical configurations for each courtroom, including consultations with courthouse personnel. Custom Presentation Solutions: Creation of expert PowerPoints and provision of presentation aids like laser pointers and remotes. Dynamic Exhibit Display: Quick display of various exhibit graphics such as medical illustrations, timelines, and animations, along with side-by-side display capabilities during depositions. Printing and Clerical Support: In-house printing and a range of stationery and clerical services. Audio-Visual Control: Full management of courtroom audio quality and selective graphic displays. Remote Courtroom Arrangements: Setup and support for remote courtroom platforms like Zoom and WebEx. Real-Time Exhibit Management: Addition of new exhibits during trials and screenshotting of annotated exhibits. Comprehensive Trial Support: Dedicated preparation and after-hours support for trials. Additional Services: Includes summary reports of exhibits, Kinkos/FedEx access, and personal IT support.
Deposition Edits & DisplayIn a fast-paced court setting, editing, and presenting select parts of a deposition can prove to be difficult, as well as take away from the flow of one’s presentation. Oftentimes, the selected lines from the prepared depo will be altered due to a Judge’s ruling or Counsel objection. You may even need to add lines as information presents itself. We take great pride in easing this burden. With our expert knowledge of Trial Director, we can edit and display specific lines of a depo in seconds, driving your point home through the visuals. We present the deposition video directly to the courtroom, rather than a traditional read-out loud. This is a persuasive service, proven to win cases and display professionalism. Furthermore, we can create clips from a deposition to be used outside of Trial Director – a great addition to any closing PowerPoint.
SoftwareWe’re proficient with Trial Director, Adobe CC Suite, PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Video-editing software, TimecoderPro, Zoom, WebEx, Teams, and MicroDICOM.
Beyond the CourtroomOur services go beyond the tangible things that we provide in the courtroom. We are also an additional set of ears and eyes through any trial. Our team has experienced a wide variety of cases; the insight we can contribute to an attorney team is invaluable. It’s important to know how presenting your case is being received by the jury. We’re always taking notes, assessing the testimony, and helping you build your most effective case. Our expertise also goes beyond the technological aspects of the job. We love to assist in creating content that elevates your testimony whether it be making an Opening or Closing PowerPoint, editing audio and video clips, or making real-time edits through Trial Director to create a more invigorating presentation for the jury. Most importantly, we understand how long you have worked to build this case for your client. Whatever you need assistance with, in and out of the courtroom, we are the first to ask and fastest to provide.

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